Kaleidoscope (2021). “Marvel at Uselessness - There’s something beyond what we see”

︎︎︎South China Morning Post
McCarty, S. (2021). “The forgotten architectural features that dot Hong Kong’s streets,
and why such phenomena are called Thomassons after an ex-New York Yankees baseball player”
Article with Interview, 05.11.2021, SCMP Publishers Ltd.

︎︎︎ South China Morning Post
McCarty, S. (2021). “A Guide to Odd Structures that serve no Purpose”
Lead article with Interview, 05.11.2021, SCMP Publishers Ltd.

︎︎︎South China Morning Post Lifestyle
Chan, C. (2021). Teaser Post
03.11.2021, SCMP Publishers Ltd.

︎︎︎ Der Standard Spezial
Heinz, A. (2021). “Der Kapitalismus als Banane”
Exhibition overview of Thicket of Ideas - Thicket of Time, Curated by Stephanie Damianitsch & Raqs Media Collective, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

︎︎︎HKU Plagiarism “Safety Demonstration”
Storyboard development, Initiated: Ian Holliday, Gray Kochhar-Lindgren, Jack Tsao, Nikolas Ettel, Wincy Chan, John Kevin Valentine Bewley

︎︎︎17th Venice Biennale Interview
Group representative, Chief-Curator: Donald Choi,
17th Venice Architecture Biennale - HK 威尼斯建築雙年展
Hong Kong Institute of Architects, 22.05. – 21.11.2021


Live Talk moderated by Marisa Yiu & Aric Chen.
Design Trust’s Critically Homemade Exhibition showcases Prototype Designs made during Lockdown (2020)
Design Contributor with We Can Jump This High. Collaborators: Lidia Ratoi & Annie Lye

Media Coverage:
︎︎︎ Dezeen
︎︎︎ South China Morning Post
︎︎︎ Vogue Hong Kong
︎︎︎ Victoria & Albert Museum Blog
︎︎︎ Quartz Magazine
︎︎︎ Melbourne Design Week: MTALKS: 2021Design Trust Critically Homemade X Mpavilion
︎︎︎ Tatler Hong Kong


︎︎︎ Perspective Magazine
Nan-Hie, I., Seraji, N., Lim, J. Visions of the Future (2018)
Exhibition Review Archigram Meets Central in Visionary Forces, Perspective Sept. Issue 2018, p.50-59.


︎︎︎ Concrete Student Trophy Competition
Honourable Mention. ‘Unlimited Perspective’ with Robert Plachy & Christopher Strobl (2015)
Zement + Beton Journal, 5/15, Zement + Beton Handels- und Werbeges.m.b.H. Publisher

© 2021